7 Purchases That Can Save You Hundreds
7 Purchases That Can Save You Hundreds

I have been on the hunt over the years for frugal and eco-friendly items that save me money and make my life more convenient. The goal is to replace things less frequently or to buy it for life. Read more below to find out about 7 purchases that can save you hundreds of dollars a year.
Food Scale

A food scale doesn’t just have to be for dieting but it can help with portion size. It can be difficult to really eye what a serving size is. Many people in America tend to overeat because our portion sizes are usually bigger than other parts of the world, especially the food served in restaurants. This can lead to overeating. According to the CDC, nearly 73% of Americans are overweight and 40% are obese. You really never know how much food you are really eating unless you measure it. This can help with weight loss and in general eating in moderation. This as a result will lead to a lower grocery bill and overall better health.
Laundry Drying Rack

In many other parts of the world, air drying laundry is the norm. Some countries infrequently use their dryer because of higher electricity costs. As a result, many people from other countries use a drying rack or they put their clothes on a line outside to dry.
One of the benefits of air drying your clothes can include reducing electricity costs. Also, it is safer for your clothes. It is less damaging on fabrics, prevents shrinkage, and fading. If you line dry your clothes outside that is even better. The ultraviolet rays from the sun serves as a natural antibacterial and bleaching agent. The sun’s rays break down chemical compounds in clothing, which can remove stains. The rays from sunlight can kill bacteria on fabric, acting as a natural disinfectant.
Air drying, regardless of the method, is more eco-friendly and gentler on your clothes so that they can last a long time.
You can find good deals on new drying racks online or you can find some used drying racks on Facebook Marketplace, OfferUp, and the thrift store.
Safety Razor

Safety razors are cheaper to replace since they are steel blades and not plastic cartridges. They are more eco-friendly. The shave from a safety razor also often lasts longer than a shave from a cartridge. Many safety razors are made from stainless steel and they can last a lifetime. The upfront costs are comparable with some disposable razors. You can find safety razors for as low as $12. The replacement blades are also much cheaper than cartridges. There is a slight learning curve, but it is overall cheaper per cost of shave.
Menstrual Cup

I discussed this in a previous post but this is also still a great purchase. For my ladies out there, menstrual cups (or discs – if that’s your preference) are designed to last for many years and they are eco-friendly since less disposable waste products are going into the environment.
It is great for those with an active lifestyle because it can be worn up to 12 hours and it is also leak-proof. It has a lower risk than tampons since toxic shock syndrome is more rare.
Also, let’s not forget about tampon tax which is also known as pink tax. Many states charge taxes on menstrual products because it can be considered a “luxury item” and not a necessity. At the very least, menstrual products should not be taxed since it is a natural bodily function but that is a topic for another day.
Slow cooker

A slow cooker is great for those who do not want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. You can set it and forget it for a few hours and do more important things.
A slow cooker is also good for cooking different cuts of meat so that they can become more tender. Slow cooking helps to break down the collagen in meat which results in more tender meat. This makes it ideal for budget-friendly crockpot meals. A slow cooker can really help you love eating at home because it removes the time actually spent cooking and it tastes great!
You can find deals on slow cookers online, from Facebook Marketplace, OfferUp, or the thrift store.
Reusable Tumbler

The days of paying $3 or more for a single bottle of water are over. Also, the days of lugging around a huge case of water are also over. For the most part, buying single use water bottles is an American thing. There are many concerns about BPA in the plastic, the waste that it contributes to in the environment, and PFAS or “forever chemicals”.
The issue with these chemicals that plastic bottles are made out of is that it can lead to immflammatory conditions and disrupt hormones. BPA is an endocrine disrupter. It acts like estrogen, which may promote inflammation or damage cells. It can also affect reproduction because it lowers testosterone levels in men.
Fortunately, there are many good options on the market for tumblers of various sizes and designs. A reusable tumbler is also very portable, durable, BPA-free, and non-toxic. With a tumbler, your beverages can stay hot or cold for an extended period of time. Many are also leak-proof. You will save money on buying single use bottles and you will help the environment since plastic waste takes a long time to break down. Also, I would like to mention to take the recycling talk with a grain of salt. A lot of it is greenwashing and many things are actually not recyclable. You will directly be reducing single use plastic waste by using a tumbler.
Blackout Curtains

Last but not least, blackout curtains can help you to sleep better (especially if you work nights) and save money on your electric bill. These curtains can save you money by reducing the amount of energy your home loses through the windows. It helps save on energy costs by trapping in heat in the winter and blocking out heat in the summer. It also benefits the environment because it reduces greenhouse gasses by reducing the amount of energy your home loses.
There are many affordable options on the market for blackout curtains and they do make a significant difference in sleep quality. Investing in your sleep is very important because it is important for recovery.
Check out my other post to find out how you can save money on electronics but also invest in your mental health.