Consumerism – How It Affects You
In a consumerist society designed to influence your impulses, how does consumerism really affect you and how can you protect yourself?
Finance, budgeting, & minimalism for the modern world
In a consumerist society designed to influence your impulses, how does consumerism really affect you and how can you protect yourself?
With fast fashion rising in popularity, find out how you can maintain your style while saving money and helping the environment.
Many companies are making sustainability pledges to be eco-friendly. Is this just a marketing tactic or something deeper?
Contrary to popular belief, minimalists do buy things. These are some of the best purchases I’ve made that have paid me back twofold.
Traveling can become expensive. Discover tips on how you can save money on vacation travel and how to protect yourself financially.
With inflation at a record high, rising gas prices are affecting many people. Learn about easy ways that you can save money on gas.
Find out how you can get the most benefit out of your tax refund for the absolute best return on investment for your financial future.
Explore some of the best credit cards to use for up to 6% cash back in various categories as well as the ability to invest your cash back.
Find out the cause of inflation, how it impacts you, and read about pointers that can help you beat inflation.
Deciding to remain childfree is an individual choice. Find out some common misconceptions and see how your choice can impact your finances.