Best Purchases I’ve Made As A Minimalist
Best Purchases I’ve Made As A Minimalist

What good is increasing your income and saving money if you can’t enjoy some of the fruits of your labor now? Over the years I’ve made purchases to serve as a convenience, improve my productivity, and health. Read below to find out some of my best purchases.
Wool Dryer Balls
I’ve tried it all – fabric softener and fabric sheets. There was nothing wrong with them but they were expensive because I had to keep buying them and they were ultimately wasteful. I discovered wool dryer balls for $5 at my local store and decided to give them a shot. I now exclusively use them in my dryer which reduces drying time thus saving in energy costs. Wool is also naturally derived from the fur of animals so it is a more eco-friendly alternative to chemical fabric softeners. Most of all I no longer have to keep buying fabric softener.
Programmable Thermostat
My electricity is supplied and delivered by my local electric utility company, ComEd. They occasionally have marketplace offers for energy saving devices. I purchased a Google Nest thermostat that was on sale for $9 after an instant rebate. This smart thermostat is controllable from anywhere using the Google Home app, it can adjust the temperature when I’m not home to preserve energy (I do live in the Midwest), and it shows you a detailed report of energy usage.
ComEd also provides free home assessments which include free energy efficient products. Check with your local utility provider to see if they provide a similar energy assessment.
Stationary Bike
I bought a stationary bike as an alternative to the gym. If I did not feel like going to the gym one day, I had no excuse to not get some type of exercise in since it is in my living room. It allows me to get physical activity in on a daily basis and if I ever feel like a recluse, I can just exercise in the comfort of my own home – without the germs.
Durable Phone Case
Considering that many phones are made out of glass now *coughs in iPhone*, this increases the likelihood of it cracking and needing to be repaired. To avoid this inconvenience I simply bought an OtterBox phone case. Yes, it looks like a brick but I’d rather have an ugly (rugged) phone that is functional than to pay hundreds to replace it.
Reusable Tumbler
When I first moved into my own place, I bought cases of bottled water. Since I live on the second floor, this did not last long before I got a grip. My back has thanked me because apparently I missed the memo on how to lift with my legs. I ended up buying a tumbler and I’ve had it for years. I no longer buy bottled water and I just refill it with water from a water filter.
Mental Health

One of my best purchases thus far has been investing in my mental health. It is important to seek help and talk about what’s going on inside your head and not just getting by on survival mode like in Minecraft. The purpose of therapy is not to dump medication on you or to give you answers but to help you unlearn negative traits, figure out how to navigate your own life, and how to function as a member of society.
In the wise words of Jim Carrey “we’re encouraged by this country to never stop and never be satisfied. It’s beyond our bandwidth and we’re starting to see symptoms. I have enough. I’ve done enough. I am enough.”