Six Free Library Perks You Did Not Know About
Six Free Library Perks You Did Not Know About

One thing that I began doing during quarantine to save money was renting books from the library. Almost any book that you buy, you can rent. This includes books, ebooks, and audiobooks. Check with your local library about how they sanitize books.
Below are 6 free library perks many do not know about. As a disclaimer, amenities are different at each location so it is best to check with your local library about what is being offered:
- Many libraries rent out video games, board games, movies, and electronic devices such as laptops to members.
- Some libraries offer a limited number of free museum passes to families. This can eliminate the amount paid for admission.
- Many libraries offer language resources such as Mango which offers over 70 languages to explore for free. The app is available on Google Play and in the App Store. Mobile learning has never been easier!
- Kanopy is a streaming service that offers free movies and TV shows to eligible library members which serves as a digital cinema. This streaming service has thousands of digital content to choose from.
- If a library does not have a book you’re looking for, you can request it. Most times the library will fulfill the order and purchase a book they do not own depending on the popularity and justification.
- There are virtual and in-person classes and resources offered to children, teenagers, adults, and seniors. This includes technology classes (such as 3D printing), art classes, homework help, homeschooling resources, employment and resume assistance.
I try to take advantage of as many free things as possible because why not? This is especially true for entertainment since I have a fairly small entertainment budget due to being able to do many things for free.
One book that I rented from the library some time ago was called “Start with Why” by Simon Sinek. This is noteworthy because this book is the foundation on why I started a finance blog. The book talked about having an intentional purpose and I plan to use my purpose and platform to help others. Apparently, reading is fundamental. More information can be read about the origin of my blog from the about section.